Mindset For Success

 In Creative Team, How I Shot it, Inspiration & Motivation

It’s Friday, so instead of boring you with serious conversations or tutorials, I want to share something inspiring.

Last week as I was driving home after a photo shoot and listening to the Model Health Show podcast. I absolutely recommend this podcast to anyone who cares about their health and wellbeing, it’s a phenomenal source of information. Dr Jeffrey Spencer, who became a national baseball champion at 10 and an Olympian at 22, was a guest on the show and the things he talked about were very moving, so I wanted to share them with you.

It’s not a secret that we all need positive motivation to bring positive changes into our lives. On some days it’s easier to do than on others, and the famous Henry Ford’s quote “Whether you believe you can do a thing or not, you are right” highlights the importance of clear goals and the power of positive thinking like no other.

So, in this podcast, Dr Jeffrey Spencer along with the host Shawn Stevenson list a few differences between the mindsets of ordinary people and extraordinary winners. The differences that affect people’s thoughts and actions and ultimately define their destiny.

They call them Human Nature Vs. Champion’s Nature, and Dr Spencer explains: “We’ve got our Human Nature that is based on fear and survival, and if we operate on that level, at the very best, we can re-create our yesterday. The Champion’s Nature is the one that is driven towards excellence, it gets “the final say” over the fear and survival instinct. So, if you are going to make history and create a life of distinction, there are certain principles that you need to apply to be able to make sure that the detractor – the voice inside your head, that wants to talk you out of everything good – remains in the background.”

So here are the distinctions that Dr Spencer mentions:

HUMAN NATURE: “What do I stand to lose?”
CHAMPION’S NATURE:  “What do I stand to gain?”

HUMAN NATURE: “I’m doing my best”
CHAMPION’S NATURE:  “I’ll find a way”

HUMAN NATURE: “It’s in my genes”
CHAMPION’S NATURE:  “It’s in my power”

HUMAN NATURE: “If I were only like others”
CHAMPION’S NATURE:  “I am my greatest asset”

HUMAN NATURE: “Will and talent are enough”
CHAMPION’S NATURE:  “Discipline and readiness rule”

HUMAN NATURE: “It’s about perfection”
CHAMPION NATURE:  “It’s about that 1-2% that counts”

HUMAN NATURE: “I’m afraid, so I won’t even try”
CHAMPION’S NATURE:  “I feel the fear and I do it anyway”


I have managed to shift my mindset towards the Champion’s Nature in some points over the past years, but I definitely need to continue working on others, and this is a great roadmap!

“People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing – that’s why we recommend it daily,” said renowned American author, salesman, and motivational speaker Zic Ziglar. So, this was my dose of inspiration and motivation for today –  for me and for you 💪🏼

Have an inspired weekend!


Featured image: Bridget Satterlee and Camryn Herold of @NOUS Models, Los Angeles, Makeup by Enesto Casillas, hair by Raoul Alejandre photo & post by Julia Kuzmenko McKim 🎨 

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  • Dan Hostettler

    Thank you for your thoughts and the source, Julia.

    As an US outsider I am always very keen to get the picks of excellency inside the US POV and empowerment. It’s not only refreshing, it’s also totally helpful and kicking.

    • Julia Kuzmenko McKim

      Thank you Dan! I am so happy to see that it is helpful and enjoyable not just for me! Thank you 🙂

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